All India Youth Federation , Anuppur District Council, Madhya Pradesh



The All India youth Federation founded on 3 May, 1959 in Delhi in a conference which brought together leaders and
activists of several youth organisations from different states,
regions and cities of the country became the pioneer left-wing youth movement of post-independent India.
Inspired by India’s anti-imperialist liberation movement, particularly the glaring chapters aded to it by thousands of
patriotic youth and students who laid their lives on the alter of the national freedom movement. The AIYF aims to advance the dreams and aspiration of a brighter future for our country and the people.
The national independence and the socio-political and economic system thus evolved and developed by the ruling class dampened the hopes of people and in particular the youth. The increasing misery of poverty, starvation, diseases,
unemployment, illiteracy, backwardness, gross social and
economic, injustices, and uneven development prevails over all those gains the nation could claim.
This situation encourages a section of disgusted and disgrantled youth to play in the hands of antinational, extremist, and separatist elements at the cost of unity and integrity of the nation and people. In the name of religion, caste, language,
region and race vested interests try to usurp political power by negating various institutions, values and principles of
The AIYF on the face of above grave problems and
challenges our nation and people are faced with firmly believe that only scientific socialism can ensure social, political and
economic equality, justice, balanced and sustainable
development, a peaceful, genuinely democratic and prosperous future for India and all its people.
Thus the AIYF as an organisation of progressive,
democratic and secular youth with revolutionary idealism and determination shall strive to unite youth masses and their diverse talents, abilities and creativity in the radical transformation of Indian society.
The AIYF as a political and social organisation of
Indian youth is open to all young man and women irrespective of cast creed, colour, sex, religion, language, region, socio-economic status, political and ideological differences in the common struggle for genuine youth rights, demands and the comprehensive
development of every individual and the society as a whole.
In this noble endeavour the AIYF firmly relay on the rich and healthy traditions, philosophical and intellectual ethos of India as an ever living human civilization, Creative ideas, thoughts and deeds of Marx, Engles, Lenin and great men and women of all ages and lands inspire us and enrich our moral strength.
In the common struggle of humanity for peace,
development and future against the military, political and economic might of imperialism the AIYF stands hand-in-hand with the people and youth all across the world.
The AIYF pledge to strive to unite the youth and their organisations for a better future and to build a world generations dreamed of and fought for.
Name of the organisation
The name of the organisation shall be the All India Youth Federation, hereafter referred to as AIYF.
The flag
The proportion of the length and breadth of the flag shall be 3:2. The colour of the flag shall be two third on the right side red, and the remaining one third sky blue. On the top left corner of the flag in the sky blue back ground, there shall be a five cornered red star.
The red colour in the flag stands for the revolutionary zeal of the youth an sky blue symbolises their desire for peace. Red star stands for revolutionary idealism and honesty and the five corners of the star represent the solidarity and friendship of the youth of all the five continents.
The Headquarters of the AIYF shall ordinarily be
situated in Delhi. But in exceptional situations it may be shifted from Delhi by decision of the National working committee.
Aims and objects
1. The inculcate in the Youth of our country the spirit of
patriotism, secularism, and democracy, to educate them on the ideals of scientific socialism, to develop in them a
scientific world outlook and to give their movements a higher sense of purpose.
2. To unite the youth of our country for safeguarding national independence, sovereignty, unity of the people, territorial integrity. democracy, human rights, secular basis and
genuine federal character of the nation and to mobilize them for nation building process.
3. To organise the youth in defence of and for the achievement of all their genuine social, economic and political rights
particularly the right to work, right to free education and for the right to have better conditions of life and work.
4. To organise the youth to participate in the militant struggles along with the other sections of the toiling masses, for
bringing about basic structural changes in our economy and for the transformation of our society into a better one with a brighter future.
5. To organise the youth in the fight for the fulfilment of their rights for the complete development of their personality and for achieving their rightful place in our society.
6. To organise the youth for achieving more political and
democratic rights and for developing in them higher sense and awareness of their rights and duties and thus to achieve an effective say in deciding the destiny of the nation.
7. To help various sections of youth in understanding the
problems of each other and to focus public attention on the needs of the youth, for better conditions of work, training and wider facilities for education, health and recreation.
8. To work for the social, cultural, literary and intellectual development of the youth and to work for the eradication of illiteracy among the youth.
9. To fight for social justice, against corruption in all spheres of national life and for the elimination of communal,
regional, linguistic and all other chauvinistic reactionary
fanaticism, untouchability, discrimination against women and all other expressions of social oppression. To fight against superstitions, obscurantism, revivalism, obsolete feudal
customs and all other social evils.
10. To mobilize the youth in defence of the genuine interests and aspirations of various national, religious, ethnic and linguistic minorities of our country in the social, political, economic and cultural spheres and to develop proper
understanding about their present condition and problems.
11. To organise multifarious activities to provide facilities for the youth to participate in sports, cultural and literary
activities for the spreading of progressive and healthy trends and for combating the corrupt and decadent influence in the field of culture.
12. To develop among the youth proper understanding of the modern scientific and technological gains and to prepare them for a harmonious approach to life, environment and ecology.
13. To foster international outlook among the youth to develop friendship with the youth of other countries, to strengthen the solidarity with the youth and people of all continents, who are fighting for National Liberation, Peace, Social Progress and Democracy, and to liquidate Imperialism, Colonialism and Neocolonialism.
The AIYF shall undertake the following activities to achieve the above aims and objects.
A. To study the conditions of life and problems of various
sections of youth and to unite the youth through the
organisation to fight for a better life;
B. To place the problems and demands of the youth before the people and government in a proper perspective and bring it to the notice of the state legislatures, parliament and other appropriate bodies;
C. To bring out different publications such as journals,
booklets, bulletins, leaflets and other educational materials;
D. To unleash nationwide or statewide or local movements through various forms of mass actions to achieve the just demands of the youth and people;
E. To organise literacy, health and hygienic campaigns,
particularly among the workers, peasants and other poor sections of the people;
F. To establish permanent youth institutions such as libraries, recreation centres, nonprofiteering hostels etc ;
G. To initiate activities on national, regional and local levels such as conferences, meetings, festivals, seminars, tours, camps, sports and cultural events and similar activities which correspond to the interest of the youth;
H. To organise short term political schools, camps and
physical training and cultural centres.
I. To mobilize youth for active participation in national
developmental projects.
J. To promote national and international youth exchange
K. To organise relief activity to the victims of natural disasters and other calamities;
L. To organise solidarity movements with all those people
fighting for their national liberation and freedom and to
organise movements in support and sympathy with all those sections of people in our country who are fighting for their just and noble cause.
M. To undertake activities which are not conflictive to the constitution and which will improve the economic potential of the organisation.
The following shall be the organs of the organisation:
1. National Conference
2. General Council
3. State Council
4. District Council
5. Taluk or subdivisional Council
6. Local or Primary Unit.
Any person in the age group of 15 to 35, who accepts the aims and objects of the AIYF, can become a member of the
primary unit of the AIYF.
Rule of Membership
A. Membership shall be generally enrolled by the local or
primary unit of the AIYF
B. The higher committees of the AIYF shall also have the right to directly enrolle membership. In this case the concerned committee shall specify the reason for doing this and a
decision to that effect shall be taken before doing so.
C. The membership fee shall be two rupee and every member shall be given a receipt at the time of his enrolment as a member.
D. The membership shall be renewed every year and the
renewal fee shall be two rupee.
E. No person shall take membership in more then one unit
F. Members once expelled from the AIYF can be readmitted only by the decision of the concerned committee which confirmed their expulsion or by a decision of a higher
G. Every member shall sign the following pledge at the time of taking membership :
“I accept the aims and objects of the AIYF and agree to abide by its constitution and shall carry out the decisions of the organisation”
H. The state council shall be responsible for conduction
membership campaign of the AIYF. The state council shall supervise the campaign, verify the membership, divide the membership among the various committees and present an annual membership list and the membership dues to the General Council of the AIYF.
I. The membership fee shall be distributed to the various committees as follows :
Primary or local units 20 ps
Taluq or subdivisional councils 20 ps
District council 35 ps
State council 90 ps
General council 35 ps
Affiliate organisations
Any organisation of youth and children working in the common interest of youth and children and who accept the aims and objects of the AIYF can affiliate to AIYF. They shall be free to maintain their independent organisation with its own
organisational structure and constitution or statute.
The AIYF General Council shall decide on any
affiliation request in consultation with state council where ever required pending the approval of following National Conference.
Duties and Rights of Members
1. Any member of the AIYF shall have the right;
(a) to elect and to be elected to any elected office of the AIYF, according to stipulation in this constitution.
(b) to put forward suggestions to any higher organ.
(c) to resign from the membership, after giving prior
information in writing to the primary unit to which he or she belongs to or to the appropriate higher body in which he or she is a member.
2. (a) No member can work against the aims and objects as declared in the constitution, and any such violation would deprive him or her of his or her membership.
(b) The necessary disciplinary action will be taken by the unit or committee in which he or she is a member.
3. Every member has the right of appeal to the next higher committees and its conference on a disciplinary action taken against him or her.
4. (a) Every member should work for the building up and strengthening of the organisation.
(b) Every member should carry out the decisions of the body he belongs to and also that of the higher bodies.
(c) Every member should take part in the movements,
campaigns and other programmes in which the AIYF is involved.
(d) No member shall take part or associate himself in any action which will bring bad name or discredit to the AIYF.
1. National Conference
A. The highest organ of the organisation shall be the National Conference of the AIYF.
B. The national conference shall ordinarily be convened once in every three years by the National Working committee. In case of delay the National Working Committee should
submit a report to the National Conference explaining the reasons for the delay.
C. Special conference of the organisation can be convened by the National Working committee at its own direction or when it decided by one third of the general council or on demand by state units representing not less then one third of the total membership.
D. National conference shall be composed of delegates elected by the State Conferences and the delegates elected or
nominated by the affiliated organisations. In case of the State conference can not be held, delegates can be elected by the State councils with prior permissions of the National
working Committee and such delegates shall be treated as observers.
E. The basis of representation in the National Conference or special conference, shall be decided by the National
working committee.
F. Six months notice shall ordinarily be given by the National working Committee for convening the National Conference. In case the National Conference should be convened at short notice the National working committee should explain the reasons and a decision to that effect be taken. In such cases, the time and venue and agenda of the National conference shall be decided by the National working committee and should be communicated to the states before 90 days. In case of special conference, the National working committee should decide and communicate the basis of representation, time, venue, and agenda to the states 45 days in advance.
G. The National working committee members will have the right to participate as full delegate in the National or
special conference.
2. The Conference shall :
(a) Decide the composition of the general council.
(b) The national conference shall review the affiliations made by the General Council and approve or disapprove the
General Council (GC)
1. Procedure of election to general council.
(a) On the basis of the decision by the National
Conference delegations of each state and affiliate
organisations shall elect their representatives to the GC to fulfil its constitutional responsibilities within the frame work of the conference.
2. The General council
(a) The General Council shall be the highest policy making body in between two conference.
(b) The total strength of the GC shall not exceed 135 and it may include the outgoing president and general secretary for its first session.
(c) The G C shall meet at least once in six month.
(d) The G C should elect a National Working Committee of not more than 45 members in the meeting held in the frame work of the National Conference. The National Working
Committee shall be a permanent body between two National Conference.
(e) The G C shall have the right to review the work of all
members and the National Working Committee and to
replace (or) relive any member / members with simple
majority vote of a simple quorum in case of violation of constitutional principals. This is to streamline the
functioning and to maintain continuity and renewal.
(f) Have the right to frame rules not inconsistent with the
constitution and subject to ratification by the next National Conference.
(g) Have the right to amend any article or clause of the constitution or to frame a new constitution subject to ratification by the next National Conference.
(h) The G C shall guide the organisation politically and
ideologically and should take decisions concerning the
national movements and campaigns to be launched and
programmes to be undertaken. It can authorise the National Working Committee to act on its behalf wherever
The National Working Committee (NWC)
(a) The National Working Committee shall elect one president, not more than four Vice-presidents, one General Secretary and not more then four secretaries immediately after its
(b) No one above the age of 40 shall the elected as an office bearer and the president and general secretary shall not be elected to the office for more than two terms.
(c) The National Working Committee shall meet at least once in three months.
(d) The National Working Committee shall have powers to take any special measure to implement the tasks laid down by the General Council.
(e) The National Working Committee shall direct the work of the AIYF in between two sessions of the General Council. It shall decide on any political and organisational question as well as the problems of the mass movements and shall guide the state committees and the affiliate organisations.
(f) The National Working Committee shall bring out necessary publications.
(g) The NWC shall render all possible help for the success of the activities initiated by the AIYF at all levels.
The Secretariat
(a) The Secretariat shall be a body consisting of all the office bearers of the AIYF. The secretariat will meet to take
urgent and necessary steps on political or organisational
matters in case the National Working Committee cannot meet.
(b) Ordinarily the secretariat shall be responsible to discharge all the duties on behalf of the National Working Committee.
(c) The Secretariat shall meet once in three months.
Responsibilities of the Office Bearers
(1) The President shall preside over the meetings of the General Council, the National Working Committee, the Secretariat and also other meetings organised or convened by the above-mentioned bodies. In the absence of the president one of the Vice- Presidents shall carry out these functions.
(2) The General Secretary shall be responsible for the working of the Headquarters and he should present the review report to the General Council, the National Working Committee and the Secretariat, and initiate discussions. The General Secretary shall present the report to the National
Conference on behalf of the National Working Committee.
(3) The President and the General Secretary should represent the organisation in all spheres of its activities and they shall be the spokesmen on behalf of the AIYF.
(4) The Secretaries shall co-operate and assist the General
Secretory in discharging his responsibilities. In the absence of the General Secretary, one of them shall carry on
functions of the General Secretary.
Filling up of the Vacancies
If a place falls vacant in the National Working
Committee, it shall be filled from the state or (affiliate) whose representation thus suffers through nomination by the
appropriate organ, subject to the ratification by the General
(A) State Unit of the AIYF
All the state organisations of the AIYF shall be state units of the AIYF and it should be called accordingly.
(B) Conference of the State Unit
1. State Conference shall be the highest organ of the state unit of AIYF
2. State Conference shall be convened once in three years.
3. A special conference can be called either by the state council on its own discretion or when this is demanded by the units representing not less than one third of the membership
Functions of the Conference of State Units
State conference shall :
A. Review the work report and organisational report
submitted by the state council, or by the State Executive Committee.
B. Finalise the policies and programmes and campaigns for the future work in the state.
C. Elect delegates to the National Conference.
D. Elect the state council
The State Council
1. The number of state council shall be decided by the state conference, but in any case it should not exceed 101.
2. The state council has the right to take decisions with full authority on any issue concerning the state but in conformity with the policies and programme of the National
Conference and General Council.
3. The state council shall elect a state executive committee of not more than 35 members.
4. The state council shall meet at least twice in a year.
Executive Committee of State Unit
(i) The state Executive Committee shall meet at least once in 3 months.
(ii) It shall elect the President, not more than 3 Vice-President, one Secretary and not more than three Joint Secretaries.
(iii) It shall carry on the work between two sessions of the
council and has the right to take decision on any issue.
It shall be responsible for the implementation of the
decisions and directions of the council and the conference.
(iv) The state Executive Committee shall guide and help the
district and other units.
The State Secretariat
(1) The power the function of the secretariat in the state shall be on the pattern of the secretariat of AIYF as defined in Article XV
(2) The powers and functions of the office bearers also shall be on the pattern of the office bearers of the AIYF as defined in Article XVI
A. District Conference
(1) The highest organ of the district unit shall be the District Conference, which shall ordinarily be convened every year.
(2) The functions and composition of district conference or special conference shall be similar to that of state
conferences and special conferences.
(3) The structure of the district organisation shall ordinarily be two tier with District Council and District Executive
Committee. In exceptional circumstances the District
Conference may decide to have council only, without even district executive committee.
B. The conference shall
(1) Discuss and decide on the report submitted by the council or by the District Executive Committee on the past work, future programme and other problems.
(2) Shall elect a district council whose number will be decided by the conference which shall not exceed 51.
(3) Shall elect delegates to the state conference.
District Councils
(1) In between two conferences, the district council is the
highest organ which takes decisions on all issues
concerning the district, on the campaigns and movements to be carried on, but in conformity with the policy,
programme and guidance of the higher organs.
(2) It shall elect a District Executive Committee whose number is decided by the council, but shall not exceed 21.
(3) It will meet as frequently as the council decides.
District Executive Committee
(1) The district executive committee shall elect the President, not more than 2 Vice-Presidents, one Secretary and not more than 2 Joint Secretaries.
(2) It shall take decisions on all issues between two council meetings or between two conferences in the absence of the council.
(3) It shall be responsible for the implementation of the
decisions of the conference and council.
(4) It shall guide and help the units at lower levels.
(5) The functions of the office bearers in the district shall be in the same pattern as that of the office bearers of the state units.
Taluk or Sub divisional Committee
1. The powers of the conference at this level, the composition of it, the structure of the committee and the responsibilities of the office bearers shall be the same as in the pattern of the district council and the District Executive Committee.
2. These committees shall have the direct responsibility for ensuring the expansion of the organisation.
3. The Taluk or sub-divisional conference shall elect delegates to the District Conference.
Local or Primary Unit
1. The local or primary unit of the AIYF shall be organised in an area or an institution.
2. The highest organ of this unit shall be its general body
meeting which should be convened as frequently as
3. This unit shall be responsible for maintaining direct
day-to-day contact with the masses and for organising mass activities
4. The functions of this unit are :
(a) to carry out the decisions of the higher organs.
(b) to win masses of youth in its sphere of activity for political and organisational decisions.
(c) to build up the organisation in its locality and to activise it by taking up day-to-day programmes.
(d) sale of literature and publications and efforts to educate the youth in the progrmme and policies of AIYF.
(e) to renew the membership and to enrol new members from the youth of the locality.
(f) to organise multifarious activities so as to attract more youth towards the organisation and to educate them.
(g) to help higher organs in day to day organisational and agitational work.
(h) to take up maximum number of practical activities as
mentioned in Article V of the constitution and win the
confidence of the youth of the area of its work as the most active and dynamic organisation with a higher sense of
purpose and dedication.
5. The conference of the unit shall be held annually and it should elect a compact committee, the size of which should be
decided by the activities and needs of the unit, with the
President, one Secretary and one Joint Secretary as office bearers.
6. A minimum of 10 members shall be necessary to form a primary or local unit. If the membership in a primary or local units exceeds 100 it may form another unit.
7. The primary or local unit shall elect delegates for the Taluk or Subdivisional Conference.
1. The quorum of the National Conference, General Council and National Working Committee shall be one-fourth, one third, and one-third of their members respectively. Similar quorum is required for the respective committees in the states, districts and taluks or subdivisions.
In the case of primary units the quorum for their conference and committee shall be 50% of their membership.
2. Any member of the councils and the committees mentioned in Clause I of this Article who does not attend three consequtive meetings of these bodies without sufficient cause and prior notice for leave shall cease to exist as a member of the said bodies.
All the decisions in the National conference, General Council, National Working Committee and the Secretariat of the AIYF, and also of the respective committees in the state, district, taluk or subdivision and primary unit shall be taken by a
majority of the members present.
(a) The General Council may, by a majority of three-fourth of the members present and also with a majority of the total members in the General Council make any addition or changes in the Constitution subject to ratification at the next National Conference by a majority of three-fourth.
(b) Any member who wants to move an amendment to the
constitution shall give 90 days notice in advance to the
General Secretary and the General Secretary or the
Secretary acting on his behalf shall circulate the same to the members of the National Working Committee within a month after the receipt of such amendments.
The state councils of the AIYF shall have the right to frame the rules for the smooth and effective functioning of the respective state units, not inconsistent with this constitution.

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